Sleep now;
heed not the night sounds at our door.
Fear not, thee in these warm dry sheaths.
Fright be gone, my small bright child.
May thou smile until awakened.
The star-bulbs twinkle
happily in our sky tonight;
the air is warm, remembering the sun’s last visit.
Close thine eyes; shut off the dark, and know they shine
for thee.
The moon shall sing to us.
The wind is whispering
to thee; it calls thy name through the leaves.
The trees shall guard us; we shall talk with them in our
Quiet thy soul. Thy bed was made for thee; thou art
in careful hands as thou rest.
Our hands shall be together clasped until dawn.
Thine eyes twinkle with
weariness; thy day is at an end.
Still thyself, and give thy heart to peaceful sleep.
The night shall protect us as the breeze enters through
thy window.
Let it wash and cover thee in thy bed.
Drop thine eyelids;
sleep dear one, sleep; carry thy dreams with thee.
Slow thy beating breast, and deepen thy shallow breath;
let the music be heard.
May the rain patter our Earth in simple rhythm; may is
soak thy heart with sweet cadence.
Breathe in the air of the spring forests, as they sway
and sigh.
Take in the twilight,
and let the wind ruffle thy hair with cool, soft strokes.
Savor the sweetness of the rivers that flow through thy
Swim in them and bathe in the quiet of eternal
peace. Rest now, little one.
Fall into undaunted sleep as I whisper in thy ear.
Sweet dreams forevermore.
I love thee.